Seattle Public Schools

Technology Plan

BEX V Project List

Appendix A: BEX V Full Project List

as presented and approved by Board

At the October 11, 2018 Board meeting, SPS Board of Directors approved Building Excellence (BEX) V Capital Levy Program and Authorizing Resolution 2018/19-6 with Technology projects listed as:

BEX V Proposed Technology Projects

Infrastructure: $44,041,000
District Systems: $45,114,000
Student Learning: $62,543,000
Total BEX V Proposed Technology Projects: $151,698,000

At the September 26, 2018 Board work session, the Board reviewed the BEX V project recommendations Priority 1A and 1B for the proposed capital projects including the Technology Projects below that were moved forward to the October 11, 2018 Building Excellence (BEX) V Capital Levy Program and Authorizing Resolution which was approved. These are included as the foundation for the BEX V Technology projects as part of this Technology Plan.